Ödemiş Square

Ödemiş Square
“This project is an urban design competition project in a medium-scale town of Izmir, called Ödemiş, which has historic urban values and requires a new urban identity for itself. The historical-cultural heritage value of the project area and the urban development dynamics of Ödemiş have been effective in shaping the general approach of the project. For a sustainable and more livable district, the main objectives are to reduce the traffic pressure in the city centre, to maintain the district’s feature of being a “”market place”” for the region and to improve urban aesthetics. “
In this framework, the main approach has been determined as “hooks” connecting yesterday, today and tomorrow. Spatial and social continuity will be ensured by spatial arrangements to be made on these hooks. With the demolition of the municipality building, arrangements were made to strengthen the spatial perception in an area from the THK building to the Government Square. The first hook is the arrangement that runs along Savaş Street from the Central Gürcüzade Mosque to the Government Square, including the THK building. The second hook is the arrangement proceeding from the Government Square towards the new Culture and Art Centre and framed by a linear water element in both squares.
Location: Ödemiş, Izmir
Assignment: Urban design competition project
Size: 5 ha
Year: 2012
Status: competition-awarded
Client: City of Ödemiş